
Blogging! Argh!

I've been wanting to start a blog about fashion and other things for a long time, but the whole idea was just kind of scary to me because;
1. I'm not great at writing, and 
2. I know of so many other fashion blogs out there that will be 100% better than mine! However, I'm just going to go for it, because recently I've been wanting to share my outfits or ideas and other things with people too. So here goes!
A bit about me.. okay my name is Beth and I've just finished my first year doing Fashion Styling and Promotion which is awarded by Leeds Met University, but I'm based in place called Batley which you've probably never heard of. And you probably don't want to either!

I won't go on about myself too much because it will be super boring, but hopefully I'll be posting about my outfits (if I'm particularly proud of them), looks I've seen on celebrities or other people that I love, and I don't know, just all things fashion related. That is, if I don't get too scared of blogging again and run away screaming.

I don't know what it is you do on here, following? If so please follow me! And I'll be really happy and try to make this as interesting/useful as possible! 


  1. awaiting your first outfit post!

  2. Hello my name is Fatima and I've just started blogging as well. U have a nice style and I think that this blog will be good :P

